General information:
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, ESRF
Large scale facilities:
The European Spallation Source, ESS
Universities (AU, DTU & KU):
Diffraction at Aarhus University
Imaging at Technical University of Denmark
Small-angle scattering at University of Copenhagen
SAXS at University of Copenhagen
Neutron and X-ray User Support, NXUS
Equipment at the Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy
3D film skal sikre Danmarks førerposition indenfor energiteknologier
Neutrons and X-rays for materials physics (NEXMAP)
the allianCe for ImagiNg and Modelling of Energy Applications, CINEMA
Center for storage ring facilities, ISA
FORCE Technology
Advanced Surface Characterisation & Analysis
The LAB for Advanced Materials Characterization
FACT-Lab – test of materials in realistic environment
Testing materials and products in FACT-Lab
Corrosion and Materials Examinations
Teknologisk Institut
Danmarks Industrielle Neutronlab