DanScatt X-Ray Bioimaging Workshop
From the event website: DanScatt X-Ray Bioimaging Workshop will be held in DTU with collaboration with 3D Imaging centre. The event will be on 24 and 25 of November 2022 from noon to noon. The event will [...]
From the event website: DanScatt X-Ray Bioimaging Workshop will be held in DTU with collaboration with 3D Imaging centre. The event will be on 24 and 25 of November 2022 from noon to noon. The event will [...]
From the event website: Kurset henvender sig til emballageansvarlige og indkøbere i fødevarevirksomheder og hos emballageproducenter Kursusindhold Formålet med at emballere fødevarer. Emballagens funktion Fødevareproducenten/forbrugerens krav til fødevareemballage Sammensætning af fleksibel emballagemateriale Barrierelag, typer, egenskaber [...]
From the event website: Welcome to the first event by the Structure – based drug design working group of Integrative Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (IPDD). We aim to bring together both young and senior scientists [...]
From the event website: Hvordan balancerer man valget af materiale mellem bæredygtighed, kvalitet, forsyningskæde og pris? Og kan man måle virksomhedens grønne bundlinje? Hvordan træffer man bedst sine materialevalg? Cirkularitet er på vej til ikke [...]
From the event website: Welcome to the 2nd Time-Resolved Structural Biology workshop, in October 2022! The event aims at bringing together people working with time-resolved methods or other methods to study dynamics in the field [...]
From the event website (in danish): Bliv klogere på, hvilke krav der stilles til udstyr og komponenter, der skal udgøre fremtidens energiteknologier og få indblik i de nye Power-to-X-teknologier, som er på vej til kommercialisering. [...]
From the event website (in danish): Andreas Mogensen skal til ISS i efteråret 2023! Invitation til workshop for potentielle forslagsstillere, der gerne vil sende et forslag til danske forsknings- og teknologiudviklingsaktiviteter på ISS. Aktiviteten kan [...]
From the event website: We are pleased to announce the new date for the conference is 11th to 14th January 2022. Further details on programme and venue changes will follow in due course. The ORSO [...]
From the event website: The Membrane Protein Working Group is dedicated to explore the unique challenges involved in research on the structural biology of membrane proteins. In our first online workshop in May 2021, we [...]
A keynote talk presenting the formal impact report of the LINX Project A presentation of news on the coming, future Industry Portal initiative developed by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science An update [...]