Virtual Summer School: CHRNS Summer School on Neutron Scattering

By |2021-01-19T16:29:23+02:00december 29th, 2020|

From the event website: Maximizing access for the scientific community to transformative neutron scattering instrumentation. The 26th Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering (CHRNS) "School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and [...]

Summer school: CINEMAX VI PhD Summer school 2020

By |2020-05-04T15:19:29+02:00maj 4th, 2020|

CINEMAX VI follows up on the successful CINEMAX I to CINEMAX V summer schools, where you get the chance to get teaching and hands on experience with the complete workflow of high-resolution tomography analysis. Over [...]

Summer school: UXSS 2020 (remote)

By |2020-07-07T14:57:53+02:00maj 4th, 2020|

UXSS 2020 is a five day program organized by Stanford University's PULSE Institute in collaboration with the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. The goal of UXSS 2020 is to disseminate [...]

Summer school: NNSP-SwedNess Neutron School

By |2018-06-15T15:18:27+02:00juni 15th, 2018|

The Nordic Neutron Science Programme (NNSP) and the Swedish Neutron Education for Science & Society (SwedNess) programme are proud to present the second Graduate School on Neutron Scattering. The school will take place in the [...]

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