Virtual: X-ray coherence-based imaging applied to 3D cellular biology

20-12-08 14:00 - 15:00

From the event website: X-ray coherence-based imaging comprises several powerful techniques which allow investigations in the different scientific fields, including biology and life sciences. The non-crystalline nature of such samples can be explored by coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) and ptychography and cellular biology has benefited from such techniques to unveil cellular architecture of bacteria, yeast and parasites at high resolutions and in 3D. However, studies with tissues involves technical challenges during sample preparation and data collection, due to their radiation sensitive nature. During this presentation, studies to unveil the vegetal tissue architecture, measured at ID10 beamline (ESRF) and cSAXS beamline (PSI), will demonstrate how CDI and ptychography, respectively, hold great potential to study several microns samples and still achieve 10s of nanometers resolution. With the coming 4th generation synchrotron sources, the perspectives of studying even larger samples and obtain high resolution offer a fertile field to cellular and structural biologists. Thus, it will be shown the unprecedent capabilities of Cateretê beamline at Sirius, the new Brazilian synchrotron light source, to coherent X-ray imaging applied to biological systems and the cutting-edge research tools that were, so far, non-existent in Brazil.

The webinar is with speaker Carla Cristina Pólo, Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, Brazil.

Event details

  • Check out the events webpage
  • Language: English
  • Location: Virtual
  • Free of charge

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