Virtual: 1st PSI Condensed Matter Summer Camp 2020

20-08-16 - 20-08-20 Hele dagen

The PSI Summer Camp is a new initiative with the goal to provide a forum for leading scientists to meet and discuss the fundamental aspects and open questions of current scientific interest. It follows a more than 20 year tradition to hold condensed matter schools at the Lyceum Alpinum in Zuoz, that provides a lively and informal environment for scientific discussions.

The PSI Summer Camp 2020 will focus on topological aspects in condensed matter. It will cover keynote lectures on topology, frustrated magnetism, topological band structures, 2D materials, topological superconductivity, skyrmions, the use of topology in applications and out-of-equilibrium phases.

Event details

  • Check out the events webpage
  • Language: English
  • Location: Virtual

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