Virtual: Science at Large Scale Research Facilities – The European XFEL: new science opportunities, start of user operation and first results

21-04-14 15:00 - 16:00

From the event website: In the past decade we have seen very important developments in the field of accelerator based X-ray user facilities, with the advent of 4th generation synchrotron sources and MHz rate free electron lasers.   The first hard X-ray free-electron laser, LCLS (US) became operational in 2009 and over the last decade four additional hard X-ray FELs have begun user operation – SACLA (Japan), PAL-FEL (Korea), EuXFEL (Germany) and SwissFEL (Switzerland). Among these, the Eu-XFEL is the first hard XFEL powered by a superconducting linear accelerator, which enables MHz rate pulse generation. A specificity of XFELs is their very short pulse duration (10-100fs) opening new scientific opportunities to probe matter at the atomic scale, with chemical selectivity and bulk sensitivity, and on the relevant timescales.

Event details

  • Check out the events webpage
  • Language: English
  • Location: Virtual

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