Virtual: Investigating the early life on Earth with nanoscale X-ray coherent imaging

21-05-06 15:30 - 16:30

From the event website: Deciphering the earliest records of life on Earth is a challenging undertaking, especially after billions of years of geological processing that have acted towards obliterating and modifying the original biological remains. Unequivocally identifying ancient microbial biosignatures, as well as understanding the alteration and potential of preservation of different compounds is crucial for both reconstructing the history of life on Earth, and also for guiding the search of past life in other planets. Inherent characteristics of these geobiological samples, such as micrometric dimensions, simple morphologies, and high degree of mineralization have challenged conventional imaging methods, whereas their precious nature has pushed towards the need of non-destructive methods.

Event details

  • Check out the events webpage
  • Language: English
  • Location: Virtual

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