Conference: High Tech Summit 2017

17-09-20 - 17-09-21 Hele dagen
Technical University of Denmark
Address: Technical University of Denmark, Fysikvej, DK - 2800 Kgs. Lyngby


The event showcases the newest leading technologies and shows you how to start using and benefitting from these technologies. DTU is Denmark’s largest technological platform while also being a university with extensive, daily contact to the Danish business community. This generates a lot of support for a new type of event. The High Tech Summit is part conference and part exhibition, with a focus on digitization of Danish industry.
Meet LINX CEO Jimmy Andersen who on the 21st from 9.45 will talk about how we engage industry in neutron and X-ray science.

Event details

  • The program
  • Registration fee: Free
  • Registration before: September 21st
  • Language: English

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