ESRF user meeting 2020

20-02-03 - 20-02-05 Hele dagen

The annual event dedicated to the ESRF user commnity: learn about, discuss and experience the science and cutting-edge research made with ESRF synchrotron light.

2019 has been the year of the ESRF “Extremely Brilliant Source” (EBS) project. The construction of the first of a new generation of low emittance, high energy synchrotrons, which will boost the brilliance and coherence of the X-rays, is a strategic project for the future of the ESRF and its user community. The annual ESRF User Meeting will be held in early February 2020, two months into intense electron beam commissioning and less than a month before the beginning of beamline commissioning and, more importantly, the first proposal submission deadline for beam time with the new source (deadline on 2nd March 2020). The user community will be gearing up to prepare new proposals to exploit the outstanding scientific opportunities, and the ESRF User Meeting will be the ideal opportunity to hear the latest news and to discuss and prepare new ideas and proposals.

The four keynote speakers of the plenary session will give a flavour of the cutting-edge research which can be carried out with the help of the ESRF, and of the important challenges facing the European synchrotron and FEL user facilities and communities. The Directors’ facility report will describe the current status of the EBS project and present two of the new beamlines being built to directly exploit the EBS capabilities for new science. The poster clips will give a flavour of the broad scope of user science which will be on display during the evening poster session and cocktail, and finally the presentation of the ESRF Young Scientist Award 2020 and the talk by the winner will complete the plenary session of the User Meeting 2020. Three User-Dedicated Microsymposia and eight user tutorials will complete the User Meeting activities, giving users the opportunity to present their research and to discuss and exchange with other users, colleagues and staff.

The ESRF user community is warmly invited to participate in the ESRF User Meeting 2020 through the submission of abstracts and posters and by meeting together onsite for discussion, interaction and networking.

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