Biases Block Progress on Green Transition has published an article about the importance of bringing researchers and businesses together. has published an article about the importance of bringing researchers and businesses together.
Seaborg Technologies, member of LINX, is developing a floating nuclear power reactor using molten salt to create a coolant.
LINX opinion: Research is a resource for innovation which growths with the strength of research networks.
Hao Yin CEO of TEGnology praises the access to research small companies have and highlights LINX’s role in industry.
Prominent Danish scientists have been named lighthouses for exploitation of new neutron-radiation facility.
LINX members can pull on the platform’s communications specialists for an added media presence and larger exposure.
Denmark risks delaying the green transition if support for new climate technology is not made more flexible.
Denmark will only reach its climate goals if there is support of innovation for all kinds of green companies.
SMEs are crucial when it comes to green development, but it requires a larger capacity of different resources.
Gastro-physicists turn jellyfish into crisps. LINX provides access to the X-ray research for future use.