3D Imaging

3D Imaging, based on X-ray and neutron technologies, is a non-destructive technique that provides 3D images of the internal structure of materials and components. One of the most interesting features of 3D Imaging is the possibility to visualize how the structure of a material changes over time, for instance during operation. This makes 3D imaging a unique tool for product development, product optimisation, and quality control in a wide range of sectors:

  • Cleantech
  • Construction
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Mechanics
  • Medico Industry
  • Nanotech
  • Transport
  • Agriculture
  • Food industry

X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT)

X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) was originally developed for medical imaging in the 1970’s and has evolved to become a widespread technique for industrial applications, where it is used to produce 3D images of the inner structure of materials without having to cut or slice the materials.

X-ray and neutron CT consists in irradiating a material with an X-ray or neutron beam, while the material sample rotates 360°. A detector captures thousands of images based on the material’s ability to absorb the X-ray or neutron beam. The data set captured by the detector is then analyzed thank to sophisticated software and powerful computers, which allow the reconstruction of 3D images of the material. The 3D reconstruction can also be sliced to show the internal structure layer by layer, in analogy to pealing an onion.

 X-ray and neutron CT: complementary technologies

X-ray and neutron technologies are complementary and can be used to study different kinds of materials or different properties in materials. Said very basically, neutrons are absorbed by light elements (i.e. with low atomic numbers) such as hydrogen, water, carbon etc., whereas X-ray are absorbed by heavy elements (i.e. with high atomic numbers) like metals for example.

Types of light waves, their relative wavelength and the smallest object they can image:

Example of X-ray image of a vertical section of a fox scull:

The DTU Team

The research team at DTU led by professor Henning Friis Poulsen utilizes the 3D imaging technique and specialises in the 3D Imaging technique called computed tomography (CT) with X-ray and neutrons. The DTU Imaging Industry Portal’s local in-house equipment covers resolutions from 50 nm to 50 µm in samples from 50 µm to 25 cm and offers options for in situ temperature control and gas flow. Other specialized needs may be available upon request.

Henning Friis Poulsen
Henning Friis PoulsenLINX Scientific Director, Professor
DTU Physics
Fysikvej, Building 309, 2800 Lyngby

E-mail: hfpo@fysik.dtu.dk
Tel.: +45 4525 3119

Carsten Gundlach
Carsten GundlachLINX Branch Manager, Ph.D.
DTU Physics
Fysikvej, Building 309, 2800 Lyngby

E-mail: cagu@fysik.dtu.dk
Tel.: +45 2238 4241

Sina Baier
Sina BaierResearch Engineer at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
DTU Physics
Fysikvej, Building 309, 2800 Lyngby
E-mail: sbaier@fysik.dtu.dk

Read more about The LINX Team.